Meet the Editors
Introducing Co-Editor Chris Klasinski
My first experiences with computers started when I was
in the US Air Force. There I worked as a Radar Operator
in a computerized environment. Though I did not work on
them directly, I did learn of the growing importance
they would play in our lives...
My next set of experiences started when I enrolled in
college. I took a group of programming languages. They
were COBOL and Advanced COBOL, Assembler and
Advanced Assembler, Fortran, RPG and Basic.
In college is place that I really learned the importance
in keeping things simple, especially when writing a
program. That way things are much easier to fix.
I recall the year I got a Gateway 733. I crashed it at
least 4 times before the end of that first year. From
this I learned to leave certain sections of my
Operating System and Registry alone till I knew them
From there my interests expanded to learning how to
add hardware and to expand the capabilities of a store
bought computer. These additions have progressed to
the value of adding more memory and keeping up with
the ever changing technology right up to and including
CD/DVD burners etc..
Of late I have built my own computer, which is much
faster than my old one, with far more capabilities
than was available when I first started with my own
My main interests lie now with computer security. That
the use of various anti-virus, firewall, anti-Trojan,
anti-adware software,is to find out which are easier
to use and why.
As they all are being constantly improved upon, the
companies who create these software are constantly
trying to keep ahead of an ever increasing number of
virus, Trojans, worms and other mischief that hackers are creating all the time.
Your subscription to How2-4Newbies, will keep you
abreast of the latest changes and values to you as a
computer user of virus protection and firewalls. These
are the two products in particular that will keep many a
good company in business while we search out the best
way to protect our enjoyment of computer use.
There is so much to learn, so much to test in order that
you continue to enjoy your time on the net.
Shall we get started?
Chris Klasinski
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